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Keep your dog warm in the winter

By Janice Miller

Tips for keeping your dog healthy during the winter.


A guide to taking your dog on your holiday

By Nick Jones

Taking your dog on holiday with you can add a lot to your vacation - if you get it right. Here are some useful tips to make sure it's an enjoyable time for you and your dog.


Why Keith Lemon should not have given a dog as a prize on TV

By Julie Hill

Why did so many dog lovers express outrage and disappointment when Keith Lemon (Leigh Francis) give away a puppy on his ITV show Keith Lemon's Lemonaid? Why did his actions send out such a dangerous message?


How to Deal with Barking when Crate Training

By Jaime Simpkins

Advice on how to tackle barking when your dog is in his crate.


Zena - lost to Granulomatous meningoencephalitis

By Carole & Stewart Thornley

An article detailing how Carole & Stewart Thornley of Aricia Dog Training lost their beloved girl Zena to Granulomatous meningoencephalitis. In a brave move, they share their experiences in the hopes of raising awareness and informing other dog owners and as a tribute to a lovely dog who died too young.


The 10 Commandments of Veterinary Office Visits

By Nancy Kay, DVM

Advice from veterinarian Nancy Kay on how to get thet best from your visits to the vet.

This article first appeared in Bark magazine Sept/Oct 2008 issue.

Nancy Kay is the author of Speaking for Spot. (


More Bark for Your Buck

By Nancy Kay, DVM

Today, the human-animal bond is stronger than ever. It seems as though the more tumultuous the world around us becomes, the tighter we cling to our beloved dogs. They soothe us with their predictability and unconditional love, and give in excess of what they receive. Imagine, then, the heartache when it’s necessary to cut back on a dog’s health care because of financial hardship. If you’re feeling the pinch (and who isn’t these days?), here are 10 things you can do to economize while still doing a great job caring for your dog’s health.
This article first appeared in Bark magazine May/June 2009 issue.

Nancy Kay is the author of Speaking for Spot. (


Second Opinion Etiquette

By Nancy Kay, DVM

When paying a visit to a specialist for a second opinion, here are some suggestions for serving your dog’s best interest as well as maintaining harmony between you and the rest of your dog’s health care team.

Nancy Kay is the author of Speaking for Spot. (


Can I Prevent My Dog From Getting Cancer?

By Nancy Kay, DVM

When it comes to a cancer diagnosis, one of the most common questions I'm asked is, "How did my dog get this?" It's only natural that people want to know what they could have done to prevent this dreadful diagnosis.

Nancy Kay is the author of Speaking for Spot. (


What Would My Berner Choose?

By Nancy Kay, DVM

You may not have realized it at the time, but when you adopted your Berner, you “signed” an unwritten contract whereby you accepted “power of attorney” to make medical decisions on his behalf. Making such decisions can be challenging. Veterinarian Nancy Kay has advice to help you become the best advocate possible for your dog - whether he's a Berner or not!

Nancy Kay is the author of Speaking for Spot. (


The Lowdown on Nutritional Supplements

By Nancy Kay, DVM

The number of nutritional supplement manufacturers has grown exponentially. Unfortunately, the quality of products hitting the market is somewhat hit or miss. There is no FDA approval process for nutritional supplements, and incidents of contamination with heavy metals, pesticides, or other unsavory ingredients have been reported. Veterinarian Nancy Kay helps you make sense of it all.

Nancy Kay is the author of Speaking for Spot. (


The World of Pet Health Insurance

By Nancy Kay, DVM

Veterinarian Nancy Kay discusses insuring your pets.
Nancy Kay is the author of Speaking for Spot. (
This article first appeared in Animal Chronicles the twice yearly community newspaper published by the Marin Humane Society. (


Small Organ, Big Trouble

By Nancy Kay, DVM

When rich food appears, pancreatitis lurks.
Advice from veterinarian Nancy Kay about how to avoid inflaming your dog's pancreas.
Nancy Kay is the author of Speaking for Spot. (
This article first appeared in Bark magazine Nov/Dec 2008 issue. (


How To Prevent Biting In Westies

By Irena Whitfield

Irena Whitfield, author of 'My Life With A Westie' discusses how to discourage your Westie from biting. Biting is the most frequent problem she is consulted on.


The naming game

I suspect that the two things that take the most effort with a new puppy are toilet training, and choosing a name. What’s your dog called, and how long did it take you to decide? The name is important. To paraphrase Shakespeare – and to paraphrase him badly – would a dog by any other name smell as much?


The Joy of Pet sitting

By Nina Cole

Pet sitters do a marvelous job looking after our animals when we can't for whatever reason. Here Nina Cole who runs a pet sitting business reveals some of the benefits and ups and downs of being a pet sitter. Is it a job that could be for you?


The Science of Vaccine Damage

By Catherine O’Driscoll

A team at Purdue University School of Veterinary Medicine conducted several studies 1,2 to determine if vaccines can cause changes in the immune system of dogs that might lead to life-threatening immune-mediated diseases. They obviously conducted this research because concern already existed. It was sponsored by the Haywood Foundation which itself was looking for evidence that such changes in the human immune system might also be vaccine induced. It found the evidence.


The Lesson of the Squirrels

By Sid Korpi

Sid ponders her reactions to the interactions between her dogs and the squirrels in her yard. With insight and humour, she examines what makes us feel the way we do in certain situations.


Does your dog look his best?

By Pet-Points

An article looking at the various aspects of grooming your dog. Offers hints and tips on how to keep your dog's coat looking shiny and healthy and looks at how good grooming keeps your pet happy.


The Dog: 5,000 Years of the Dog in Art

By Tamsin Pickeral

Author Tamsin Pickeral gives an insight into her book, which charts the history of the dog in art, as well as covering the evolution of the dog and the impact that the dog had on the development of early human cultures. The Dog: 5,000 Years of the Dog in Art is primarily an image led publication and a coffee table book, but does also include in depth text for those who wish to read (and not just look at the gorgeous pictures)!


Are you showing leadership to your dog?

By Nick Jones

A quick reminder from Nick Jones of Alpha Dog Behaviour about how to avoid problems.


Dog aggression

By Nick Jones

Dog behaviourist Nick Jones of Alpha Dog Behaviour talks about Dog Aggression.


Exercise that dog!

By Nick Jones

Nick Jones of Alpha Dog Behaviour discusses dog exercise


Fireworks, your dog and how to cope

By Nick Jones

Nick Jones of Alpha Dog Behaviour discusses fireworks, and how to cope.


Dog behaviour and leadership

By Nick Jones

Nick Jones of Alpha Dog Behaviour talks about dog behaviour and leadership.


Lead aggression

By Nick Jones

Nick Jones of Alpha Dog Behaviour discusses aggression when on the lead, and how to cope with it.


Pulling on the lead

By Nick Jones

Nick Jones of Alpha Dog Behaviour discusses pulling on the lead.


Modern lifestyles, and how they impact on our dogs

By Nick Jones

Nick Jones of Alpha Dog Behaviour discusses modern lifestyles, and how they impact on our dogs.


The importance of Doorways…

By Nick Jones

Well I’m sure that most of you know this one, but for those in a student role this is a must on every visit as far as I’m concerned. Looking at the behaviour in the dog's home, the hub of its life is essential to have the benefits in the outside world.
The benefits of ensuring that the owner goes before the dog at doorways are three-fold.


Alfie's Story

By Emma Foxall

Emma tells how Alfie came to live with her. He was a young Golden Retriever puppy with a serious heart condition. He would need very expensive treatment, and might not even survive.


Canine solutions to bonfire night blues!

By Doreen Simpkins

Every year dog owners everywhere, are desperate to avoid their dogs becoming distressed as a result of the noise made by fireworks. Life can be a misery as fireworks are no longer confined to one night! As a canine counsellor or trainer, who believes in a gentle holistic approach, the following article includes information to help you and your dogs in the run up to bonfire night and beyond. The information provided is to help you the owner, make an informed choice and is not intended as a substitute for appropriate veterinary attention.


Why AB 1634 is Bad

By Matthew Culmore

AB 1634 is a bill introduced into the California State Assembly by Lloyd Levine, an Assembly Member from Van Nuys. It mandates that all cats and dogs be spayed or neutered—surgically sterilized—before they are six months of age. The bill purports to allow some animals to get an Intact Permit and avoid surgical sterilization, at least temporarily. Failure to comply results in a minimum $500 fine and forced sterilization of your pet.


Beat the credit crunch and still keep your dog healthy

By Doreen Simpkins

There is much discussion in newspapers at the moment about the credit crunch "forcing" dog owners to give their pets up to rescue centres because they can no longer afford to keep them--- but what are the real costs of keeping a dog? What are the "essentials" of good dog care, and what is simply "window dressing"? How much are we as dog owners influenced by the advertising industry? ....


Santa Paws Holidog cake

By Three Dog Bakery

In episode 8 - our Christmas episode - we will be talking to Dan Dye from the Three Dog Bakery.

As a special festive treat for your dog, Dan has provided a recipe from one of the Three Dog Bakery cook books.

Treat you dog and try it out!


Humans infected by BSL virus prove deadly to dogs

By Paula Terifaj, DVM

Breed Specific Legislation (BSL) has infected the minds of legislators and insurance companies all across our country. This deadly dog virus targets lazy lawmakers and greedy insurance companies.


A new look at two old natural health superstars: Enzymes and Probiotics

By Paula Terifaj DVM

Ever get that gut
feeling that something is wrong? If your dog is plagued by bouts of these
gastrointestinal maladies: sloppy looking poop, diarrhea, or nasty gas
attacks-- chances are the intestines are battling an unhealthy mix of bacteria.
Reasons for this can range from food intolerances or allergies, repeated
exposure to antibiotics and other medications, and poor digestion. In fact,
the gut is often the first to send out the alarm: something is rotten here!
To understand how important a healthy gut is to your dog's overall health, let's
begin with some basic gut stuff that impacts us humans as well.


Why This Vet Feeds People Food to Her Dogs

By Paula Terifaj DVM

Once upon a time, I was your average dog owner. I felt guilty when I spoiled my dog with "people food". This concept was reinforced during my veterinary training, with terms like table food gastroenteritis. Oh, the horror of clients feeding table scrapes to their dogs!


Let the music play

By Ron Hevener

Funny, how we never seem to know what's just around the corner. We go
about our lives: working, laughing, loving . . . and we never know how
our life is going to turn out. I know this doesn't sound like the
goal-oriented thinkers that I encourage people to be. I encourage animal
lovers to be their best and to reach as high as they possibly can. After
all, if we don't reach for the stars, how can we ever touch them? Yes, I
know ... Childish words .


Is it a dog's life being a dog owner?

Is life with a dog all brushing up hair, mopping up muddy footprints, and having to arrange dog sitters? What do we get in return for all this effort?
Do we give or get more from our dogs? Ultimately, do we make the most of our all too short time with them?


Dog Training and the Three Headed Dog

What's you dog training philosophy? We all have one even if it's only grin and bear it. To achieve a well trained dog who is a pleasure to be with, how does one make sense of all the training methods on offer?
More to the point, is shouting really the best way to approach training a three headed dog?


Faithful Dogs

The faithful nature of dogs is a big part of their appeal. There are many stories - some true, some myth - that illustrate the devotion dogs feel to their people.


Don't miss The Underdog Show - updated

By Julie Hill

What is The Underdog Show on BBC2, and how are the contestants - and dogs - coping with training?


Holiday food dangerous for dogs

Do you know what food is safe to give your dog this holiday? What will your dog enjoy and what might just see him at the veterinarian surgery - or worse? There are many everyday foods, as well as other household items that pose a risk for your dog. Read this article and keep your dog healthy and safe.


Can you communicate as well as your dog?

When our vet questioned our dog Star's courage when she whined while being vaccinated, it made me think. She wasn't being brave or cowardly - she was just saying, "Stop it!" Dogs comunicate with us in many ways - do we communicate as clearly as them?


Greyfriars Bobby

Have you heard the story of Greyfriars Bobby? This devoted little dog took up residence on his owner's grave. The town came to love this faithful dog, and he has been honoured in many ways, including a statue in Edinburgh, Scotland.


Dog ownership: The "What have I done" Moment

Where dog ownership occurs, there inevitably follows a panic stricken, "What have I done?" moment.


Two minute fiction: Abandonment

By Julie Hill

Read the story of an abandoned dog, waiting for his family to return for him. Will he have a happy ending?


Dogs and Royalty

Find out about the special relationship that exists between dogs and royalty. This is not a modern phenomenon, nor it is exclusive to the English monarchy. Just like the rest of us the royals love their dogs.


Crufts 2006

By Julie Hill

Crufts is the world's top dog show, as well as a great day our for dog enthusiasts. Covering the event for DogCast Radio gave me the opportunity to experience the magic, and discover some of the secrets of the show.


Wag and Bone Show (UK) 2006 Preview

By Julie Hill

Find out what the 2006 Wag and Bone Show has to offer.


What dog owners can tell scientists about the nature of the universe

Scientists all over the world are searching for the missing matter in the universe. What could dog hair have to do with all this?



279 - mushrooms for dogs and using parenting principles with pets

In this podcast, Dr Rob Silver reveals how mushroom's can be good for our dogs - and us. Wendy Lyons Sunshine explains how implementing parenting methods with our dogs can improve our relationship with them.

189 - The Dog Healers and War Dogs Remembered

In this episode you can hear Mark Winik talk about his debut novel, The Dog Healers, and listen to Julia Robertson explain why she founded the charity War Dogs remembered. Plus there's the DogCast Radio News, and what Mischief the German Spitz puppy has been up to.

188 - Service Dogs UK and Roxie the Doxie Finds Her Forever Home

In this episode you can hear about Service Dogs UK, a fantastic charity which trains assistance dogs to support veterans of any service - military personnel, police, firefighters, paramedics and the coastguard - who develop Post Traumatic Stress Disorder due to their job. Also, listen to Dr Jody A Dean, a clinical psychologist talk about how her book, Roxie the Doxie finds her Forever Home, is helping children understand and talk about adoption and other family issues. Plus the DogCast Radio News and some thoughts on the alpha dog myth.

187 - Muffins Halo and Chorley Fun Dog Show

In this episode you can hear about Muffin's Halo for Blind Dogs, and what motivates people to enter their dog in a fun dog show. In the DogCast Radio News, listen to stories about the latest dog related research. Plus there's a new member of the DogCast Radio team!

186 - Maxwell Muir on wolves

In this episode you can hear trainer, behaviourist, writer, broadcaster and wolf expert Maxwell Muir talk about what wolves mean to him personally, their plight in a modern world, and his hopes for their future. Plus we have the DogCast Radio News.