Length: 1:06:22
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The Dog Healers

- Mark Winik
Mark Winik didn't think of himself as a writer, but after a holiday to Argentina, he was inspired to write The Dog Healers a novel. A mix of fiction and non-fiction, the novel has at its heart the magical relationship between dogs and humans, although it also explores the world of race horses, the plight of a woman in a male dominated world, and much more.
The Dog Healers now also has a community of dog lovers, with a thriving Facebook page. And if you want more, Mark's also bringing out cartoons, and working on a documentary! You can keep up to date via that Facebook page or the Dog Healers website.
War Dogs Remembered

- Julia Robertson
With Remembrance Day this month, it's fitting to talk to Julia Robertson about the charity she founded called War Dogs Remembrance. The aim of the charity is to honour the work of dogs in war time, past and present, whatever country they came from. This interview may surprise you - for example, did you know that during World War II there was an appeal for pet dog owners to donate their dog to be trained for war work? What response did they get? - listen and find out.
To find out more about War Dogs Remembered, visit their website or their Facebook page. To hear Julia's previous interview on DogCast Radio, talking about Galen therapy for dogs, listen to Episode 184.
We start off with the research which proves that humans empathise more with dogs than with other humans, and we also have the Aibo's return, the news that dog do lie awake worrying, and finish with three real-life dogs who got themselves into trouble but had happy endings.
Mischief, Jenny's German Spitz puppy went to her first puppy class. So how did a tiny, fluffy scrap of a young dog cope with the demands of learning to sit, down and stand, all while mixing with much bigger dogs?