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assistance dog

RAD assistance dog charity needs your help

You can help support the work of RAD Assistance Dogs.

RAD Assistance Dogs

RAD Assistance Dogs helps people with MHDI train their own dog as their assistance dog.

Episode 257 - Sit, Stay, heal and RAD assistance dog charity


Released Sat October 15, 2022
Length: 1:29:31
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Dogs helping humans and humans helping dogs - the circle of dog human life. Dr. Renee Alsarraf fought cancer on her canine patients' behalf for over two decades, before finding herself in a personal fight. RAD Assistance Dogs is a charity which trains people with mental health disability impairment to train their own dog as their assistance dogs. In this podcast you can hear a celebration of the dog human bond.

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Canine Partners Verlin with Fiona

Fiona with Canine Partner Verlin, who enables her to live independently.

Fiona and Verlin

Fiona and Canine Partner Verlin with her colleagues. Verlin enables Fiona to do the job she loves.


Benny was trained by Service Dogs UK to support Steve through his PTSD.


Two assistance dog partners will be in the Olympic torch relay

Well this is a first for me - including a press release in the blog that I wrote myself! Two lovely ladies will be taking part in the Olympic torch relay each accompanied by their life-changing assistance dog. They would love some publicity for the charities that supplied the dogs. Here's the press release:
Two friends and their assistance dog in Olympic torch relay


How I would make, "Endal: the Movie"

I noticed today that Endal will be the focus of a movie. It is only fitting for such a tribute to be paid, this is the dog who was voted Dog of the Millennium. This is the dog who formed an amazing bond with a man of the brink, and together they built a partnership that cannot fail to warm the coldest, hardest heart.


Episode 33 - Assistance dogs and German Shepherd Dogs


Released Sun January 14, 2007
Length: 0:46:29
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  • Assistance dogs - interview
  • German Shepherd Dog - interview
  • News
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278 - Dog intelligence and introducing cats and dogs

In this podcast you can hear author Jennifer S. Holland talk about dog intelligence - what types of intelligence do dogs have, how do we measure canine intelligence, what's the difference between intelligence and instinct, and how can we encourage our dogs to become more intelligent? Behaviourist Lisa Sinnott offers excellent advice on how to introduce cats and dogs in a way that causes as little stress to all concerned. And Julie introduces her latest project - Inane Ramblings of a Puppy Owner (IROAPO).

189 - The Dog Healers and War Dogs Remembered

In this episode you can hear Mark Winik talk about his debut novel, The Dog Healers, and listen to Julia Robertson explain why she founded the charity War Dogs remembered. Plus there's the DogCast Radio News, and what Mischief the German Spitz puppy has been up to.

188 - Service Dogs UK and Roxie the Doxie Finds Her Forever Home

In this episode you can hear about Service Dogs UK, a fantastic charity which trains assistance dogs to support veterans of any service - military personnel, police, firefighters, paramedics and the coastguard - who develop Post Traumatic Stress Disorder due to their job. Also, listen to Dr Jody A Dean, a clinical psychologist talk about how her book, Roxie the Doxie finds her Forever Home, is helping children understand and talk about adoption and other family issues. Plus the DogCast Radio News and some thoughts on the alpha dog myth.

187 - Muffins Halo and Chorley Fun Dog Show

In this episode you can hear about Muffin's Halo for Blind Dogs, and what motivates people to enter their dog in a fun dog show. In the DogCast Radio News, listen to stories about the latest dog related research. Plus there's a new member of the DogCast Radio team!

186 - Maxwell Muir on wolves

In this episode you can hear trainer, behaviourist, writer, broadcaster and wolf expert Maxwell Muir talk about what wolves mean to him personally, their plight in a modern world, and his hopes for their future. Plus we have the DogCast Radio News.