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How I would make, "Endal: the Movie"

I noticed today that Endal will be the focus of a movie. It is only fitting for such a tribute to be paid, this is the dog who was voted Dog of the Millennium. This is the dog who formed an amazing bond with a man of the brink, and together they built a partnership that cannot fail to warm the coldest, hardest heart. You can find out more about Endal at his website, and the story of the relationship that developed between Endal and the man he assisted, Allen Parton can be read here. Do go and have a read, it's a great story.

But of course nothing lasts forever, and eventually time caught up with Endal and now he is waiting at the Rainbow Bridge - although I do think if there's one dog that earned a free pass straight through the pearly gates without waiting for his master, it's Endal.

I was lucky enough to meet Endal at Crufts this year shortly before he died, and it was an honour. He was a dog who demonstrated and highlighted the power of a dog to enrich a human existence , and to restore a broken life.

So now we all have to wait to see the film of his life, and it suddenly occurred to me how I'd like it to be written. I'll tell you what I don't want - I don't want a killer, tear jerker ending (like Marley and Me). I just can't take another one of those. No, what I want for Endal is a film that celebrates him, and sends you out from the cinema with a glow in your heart and a smile on your face; and a spring in your step to get home to your own dog and tell him how much you love him.

How I'd like it to be done is to show Endal and Allen meeting and developing their incredible bond. I'd like to see Endal grow in skill and confidence, as Allen grew in strength and happiness. I want it to depict the way Endal caught the public admiration, and recall all the recognition he was so rightly given. Then I'd like the film to finish with Allen, Endal and all the family in the garden, or on a walk on a summer's day. I'd like the camera to slowly zoom out of the scene, leaving that happy group forever together. I'd like the voice over to say something along the lines of how Endal was a truly amazing dog who achieved much and will never be forgotten. For surely he never will.

Take care,

Julie x


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