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Cat Caffi

Cat Caffi

Lynda Joyce-Jones is aiming to open a Cat Caffi in Caernarfon which will be none for profit all the money we make will go into opening a fully independently run veterinary practice, and will also seek to support two local rescue's Anglesey & District Feline Support & Rescue and Freshfields Animal Rescue (Wales).

Barking Mad - officially!

Having fun on a Barking Mad holiday

When we go on holiday, I prefer to take Buddy with us if we can, but sometimes there are places we want to visit that are just not suitable for him, and so he will be happier, safer and better cared for at home, rather than left in a caravan or hotel room while we go out.


Adorable Puppies Looking to Win Perfect Match at the Furr-opean Championships

Chris Kamara commentates on the most adorable clash of the century – the European pup

Grrr-eth Bale cheers on his team

Dogs Trust is getting behind the home nations ahead of England and Wales’ Group B clash at the European Championships by naming their own adorable teams of four puppies after the squads’ star players.
Leading England’s loveable line-up are Chris Pawlling, Spaniel Sturridge, Dele Allisation and Jamie dig up the Yardy, whilst Wales’ hopeful hounds have been named Gurr-eth Bale, Hal Dogson Kanu, James Collie and Joe Leadley. To help find homes for the eight abandoned puppies, who came to Dogs Trust Shrewsbury as an unwanted litter, the rehoming centre has filmed a video of the furry teammates in action, featuring commentary from dog-loving pundit Chris Kamara.

While they may not quite have the fancy footwork to rival their namesakes, the playful pups can’t resist bounding after a ball and would love to find a football-loving home where they can continue their training and receive plenty of adoration from their number one fans, in the form of a new family.

Louise Campbell, Dogs Trust Shrewsbury Rehoming Centre Manager, says:
“These adorable puppies are fantastic fun and would make wonderful pets for footy-loving families, whether they’re from England or Wales! They are always on the go and have bags of energy so will need active owners who appreciate the demands of a young puppy, and can happily kick a ball about for hours with their new four-legged best friend.”

“Our puppy teams aren’t as experienced as the human England and Wales squads, so they would benefit from a little extra training to get them in tip-top condition for their new positions as family pets. They will need homes with secure gardens to bound around in and would of course love a football to play with. As the pups are still very young, they will be cheering on their teams with us at the rehoming centre, but we really hope they will find their perfect match before the tournament comes to an end.”

If you are interested in rehoming a dog please contact Dogs Trust Shrewsbury on 0300 303 0292.

Dogs Trust is the UK's largest dog welfare charity with 20 Rehoming Centres across the UK. Dogs Trust cares for around 17,000 stray and abandoned dogs every year.


Dogs Trust response to Welsh Dangerous Dogs Act consultation

Dogs Trust, the UK’s largest dog welfare charity, has today welcomed the launch of a consultation issued by the Welsh Government seeking to amend sections of the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 under devolved powers. The charity hopes that it may, at long last, signal some significant and effective changes to legislation in Wales.


Response Statement on the Welsh Consultation on Compulsory Microchipping

Dogs Trust has welcomed the announcement that a public consultation on compulsory microchipping is now underway by the Welsh Government.


C.A.R.I.A.D - The campaign to end puppy farming in Wales

This press release arrived today and I think it's a great campaign to get behind and support. Puppy farms must be stamped out - for dogs' sake and for dog lovers' sake too. Please read and support this campaign:
C.A.R.I.A.D  - The campaign to end puppy farming in Wales


Doggy daubings and a little mountain rescue

Are you looking for ways to make money amid the credit crunch? Well get a canvas and a paintbrush and let your dog make money for you. A Pekingese called Ziggy, who lives in California is doing just that. His owner straps a paintbrush to a cardboard tube, Ziggy grasps it between his teeth and creates a masterpiece. There's a photo of his work at that link, and to be honest I think it's quite good. Definitely comparable to some modern art! (In my humble opinion, as they say.)

Each painting can sell for up to £170. I don't know what that is in dollars, and I suspect in the current financial climate it's probably about 5 Euros (oooh - satire!) but whatever currency you put it in, it's a lot for doggy daubings. The trouble is our two would probably just chew up the cardboard tube, then the paint brush, and then have a good go at eating the paint. And have you ever tried washing acrylics out of a white Bichon Frise coat? Maybe it's not for us. Pity though.

Another story that caught my eye was that of a dwarf - I'm sorry if that's not a PC word, but it's the term used in the headlines - in Wales, UK who got lost in a forest in Snowdonia. She was lost over night, and only the warmth of her dog saved her from hypothermia. The dog was a Chihuahua. Is it very wrong of me to love that story? - little person saved by little dog. The lady - and dog - in question are safely back at home, and I'm just glad all went well for them.

Take care,

Julie x


Really rare breeds

As you'll have noticed I like signs regarding the subject of dog poop. Not the bog standard (if you'll excuse the pun) ones that you see every day, but the more unusual ones. I've highlighted a few in this blog, and while going though old holiday photos I came across this beauty. Written in two languages, not just one, is a bonus, but the real joy is the illustration of the dog. I challenge you to name that breed!

It looks like the body of a Basset, the head a Dachshund, the tail of a Labrador, and legs made of cardboard tubes by the looks of them. There is the


Poo sign (again!)

What breed of dog is that then?


284 - Julie talks AITA AIBU and dog news

Mischief and Diamond

In this podcast host Julie brings you dog dilemmas from Reddit AITA and Mumsnet AIBU, as well as dog themed news stories which caught her eye. Plus we touch on that age old mystery - did we domesticate dogs, or did they domesticate themselves?

189 - The Dog Healers and War Dogs Remembered


In this episode you can hear Mark Winik talk about his debut novel, The Dog Healers, and listen to Julia Robertson explain why she founded the charity War Dogs remembered. Plus there's the DogCast Radio News, and what Mischief the German Spitz puppy has been up to.

188 - Service Dogs UK and Roxie the Doxie Finds Her Forever Home


In this episode you can hear about Service Dogs UK, a fantastic charity which trains assistance dogs to support veterans of any service - military personnel, police, firefighters, paramedics and the coastguard - who develop Post Traumatic Stress Disorder due to their job. Also, listen to Dr Jody A Dean, a clinical psychologist talk about how her book, Roxie the Doxie finds her Forever Home, is helping children understand and talk about adoption and other family issues. Plus the DogCast Radio News and some thoughts on the alpha dog myth.

187 - Muffins Halo and Chorley Fun Dog Show


In this episode you can hear about Muffin's Halo for Blind Dogs, and what motivates people to enter their dog in a fun dog show. In the DogCast Radio News, listen to stories about the latest dog related research. Plus there's a new member of the DogCast Radio team!

186 - Maxwell Muir on wolves


In this episode you can hear trainer, behaviourist, writer, broadcaster and wolf expert Maxwell Muir talk about what wolves mean to him personally, their plight in a modern world, and his hopes for their future. Plus we have the DogCast Radio News.