Length: 0:53:47
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Training your power dog
In this interview, you can hear experienced trainer Dawn Antoniak-Mitchell talk about her latest book - Empowerment Training for Your Power Dog: Unleash the Positive Potential in Bully and Mastiff Breeds, Pit Bulls, and Other Strong Dogs.
Dawn discusses the issues which can affect owners with powerful dogs, and she includes as powerful dogs such breeds as - Cane Corso, American Staffordshire Terrier, Bulldog, Boxer, Great Dane, Dalmatian, Mastiff, Bull Mastiff, American Pitbull Terrier, Boston Terrier, Fila Brasileiro, and more.
- Dawn Antoniak-Mitchell
Dawn mentioned the BonaFide Dog Academy there, and to find out more about Empowerment Training for Your Power Dog: Unleash the Positive Potential in Bully and Mastiff Breeds, Pit Bulls, and Other Strong Dogs you can go to Amazon.co.uk, or if you're in the U.S.A. go to Amazon.com.
You can also visit the Dogwise website, to find out more about Dawn's other books.
In Episode 53 of DogCast Radio you can hear Dawn talking about dog estate planning. In Episode 147, she discusses in detail how to best train
terriers, and in Episode 59, you can hear her great advice on doorbell manners. In Episode 151 Dawn gives all the advice you need to train sporting breeds.
The DogCast Radio News
In the DogCast Radio News, Julie and Jenny bring you the strange, unexpected, happy, sad or off beat stories you might well otherwise have missed.
New research from Michigan State University shows that dogs and their owner are likely to share personality traits, and when the US Customs and Border patrol were looking for new recruits, the job description was truly daunting. But one dog got a job purely on looks - but it wasn't a job you'd want your dog to have!

How Jay and Amy Novacek came to the rescue of a young lady who lost her service dog in extremely sad circumstances, the police officer who took his responsibility seriously when he rescued a dog, and PC Dave Wardell and PD Finn are honoured by Crufts. You can hear an interview with Dave about his and Finn's ordeal in Episode 193 of DogCast Radio.