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Christmas Eve rescue for starving lost dog

RSPCA need help finding Oliver Twist’s owner.

A starving dog, just hours from death, has been rescued from a bleak pit on Christmas Eve.

Eagle-eyed dock workers in Goole called the RSPCA when they spotted the scruffy terrier trapped down a 4ft pit under a road bridge.

RSPCa Animal Collection Officer Helen Martindale discovered the terrified terrier cowering at the bottom of the steep trench with no food or water.

She coaxed the dog, she’s nicknamed Oliver Twist, out with some cat biscuits before lifting him out of the pit.

She said: “He had got stuck in the pit and the sides were too steep for him to get out. It is amazing he was seen as the pit is well hidden underneath a road bridge.”

“He was incredibly thin. Judging by the state of him I think he’d been there about a week, there was nothing for him to eat or drink. It was lucky he was spotted, he wouldn’t have survived much longer.

“I had some cat biscuits with me and he wolfed those down, he was so hungry.”

Helen rushed Oliver to a vets where he was given a check over. He was covered with ticks and fleas. She added: “I was really pleased when the vet said he was OK as I was worried he may have suffered liver problems as a result of not eating. To be told that he would be okay was the best Christmas present I could ask for.”

Oliver is recovering well, but was not microchipped so we have not been able to reunite him with his owners. Anyone who thinks they may own Oliver, or who knows how he got into the pit can contact the RSPCA on 0300 123 8018 and leave a message for Helen.

Anyone who is concerned for the welfare of an animal should call the RSPCA’s 24-hour emergency hotline on 0300 1234 999 for help and advice.

The RSPCA receives around 2,000 calls every day during the winter months and is expecting to rescue around 19,000 animals over the winter period. To help the charity rescue, rehabilitate and rehome more animals like Elfie, please support the Kindness at Christmas campaign and donate by visiting:


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