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Episode 144 - Crufts 2013 Special

Released Sat April 6, 2013
Length: 0:38:41
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Tony Head
Nick Jones
Heelwork to music team
Sara Bingham
Sarah Fisher
Dr Claire Guest

In this episode you can hear our Crufts 2013 coverage - you can watch a video version of this show on the DogCast Radio You Tube channel. Crufts is the most prestigious pedigree dog show in the world, but it's also one of the biggest gathering of dog lovers, and it celebrates every aspect of man's best friend.

You can hear interviews with TTouch Instructor and behaviour counselor Sarah Fisher, and Sarah's partner and fellow dog lover, actor Tony Head, who was at the show promoting the Kennel Club's Bark and Read Foundation. You can find out more about Sarah and Tony at the Tilley Farm website, and there's more about the Bark and Read Foundation at the Kennel Club website.

Trainer Nick Jones - regular listeners will be familiar with him - was on the Dogs Monthly stand giving advice to dog owners who stopped by for a chat. Nick's always fun as well as informative, and you can find out more about him at his Alpha Dog Behaviour website.

Dr Claire Guest is the Chief Executive of Medical Detection Dogs, and has trained some life-changing dogs. Claire's dog in training detected her own breast cancer at an earlier stage than it would ever have been picked up any other way, very probably saving Claire's life. At Crufts 2013 Claire was launching a new initiative investigating the detection of breast cancer - find out more at the Medical Detection Dogs website.

Julie interviewed two of the Heelwork to Music Activity team members about their dogs and why they enjoy dancing with their dogs. Julia Moss delighted the crowds with her energetic performance with her Malamute, Memphis. Sandra Hallam talks about how her Spaniel Henry overcame deafness to carry on dancing.

The Blue Cross is a wonderful charity with a very interesting history, and Education Development Manager Tracy Genever told Julie about how the charity offers support to bereaved and worried owners. Visit the Blue Cross website to find out more.

And if you think that poodles come in black, white and maybe apricot only, think again! We spoke to Sara Bingham about her gorgeous parti poodle, who is both black and white. More information about mixed colour poodles can be found at the Parti Poodle Club website.


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