Length: 0:54:41
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CAPS - Companion Animal Protection Society

When Deborah Howard was horrified by the appalling condition of a dog in a pet shop, she founded CAPS - Companion Animal Protection Society - of which she is the president.
She and many colleagues now work tirelessly to ensure companion animals receive the treatment they deserve. CAPS gathered evidence for a recent court case, which Deborah talks about in this interview. The abuses that lead to the court case are shocking - and will horrify all dog lovers.
To find out how to support CAPS, visit their website, where you'll find guidance on who to write to and what else to do. If you don't want any dogs raised as livestock, in appalling conditions, you'll have sympathy with CAPS and the war they are continually waging against puppy mills, and all who profit from the mistreatment of dogs.
Mic Martin at Crufts
Mic Martin was at Crufts raising money for the charity Support Dogs. Mic was busy on all four days of the show, giving training advice in return for donations to the charity.
Mic Martin is the familiar disciplinarian trainer on the television program Dog Borstal - but in real life he is far less daunting as you'll hear! Mic talks about why he is so committed to Support Dogs, and the incident that lead him to this attitude. He also talks about the training he offers at his own establishment, what he thinks of Crufts - and he has some excellent advice if you want to find out about particular breeds of dog.
Native Dog Breeds Trust
The Native Dog Breeds Trust is striving to highlight to the British public what is great about traditional British breeds that are in danger of dying out.
For example, did you know that while 45,000 Labradors were registered in the UK last year, only 37 Skye Terrier pups were registered? The Skye Terrier is the most vulnerable of all the breeds the Trust is trying to promote, and in this interview, you will hear John Breeze talking about the work of the trust, and he says there's a vulnerable breed that would suit everyone.
To find out more, visit the Native Dog Breeds Trust website.
Jim Hawkins and "Comedy Dog"
Jim Hawkins is the presenter of the morning show on Radio Shropshire. He is also a Twitterer and a dog owner, sharing his life with his beloved "Comedy Dog".
I interviewed Jim as he sat on a park bench in Telford town park - this is a practice he carries out once a week, varying the location of the bench around Shropshire, and recording the conversations he has for broadcast in his show.
In this interview you can hear Jim talk about life with feisty Comedy Dog, and the difficulty of inter-species communications between Comedy Dog and Big Fat Cat- Jim's other pet.
Australian Terrier
You can hear Doreen Simpkins in Episode 75 of DogCast Radio giving an Australian Terrier breed profile. You can also read what she has to say about the breed on the DogCast Radio profile pages.
Now Doreen has been put forward to sit on the breed health working group and she’s interested in collating information/research etc from as many different sources as possible. While there are not numerous health problems in Aussies, there does appear to be anecdotal evidence about a couple of health problems, and anything that can be done to investigate how to minimise these would be welcome.
If you have anything to contribute you can get in touch with us here at DogCast Radio or directly with Doreen at her website www.haveahappyhound.co.uk/