Length: 1:01:28
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The Dog Communicator

Do you ever wish you could communicate better with your dog? Well Joy Turner could help you do just that.
Joy is a renowned communicator and energetic healer for both animals and humans. She hosts the radio show Talk With Your Animals, and offers private communication sessions to her international clients. Joy can communicate with living dogs as well as those who have passed over.
In this interview, Joy speaks about how she communicates with dogs, how she believes we all have the ability to do so, and recounts some of her experiences. If you want to find out how you could develop the ability to communicate with your dog, listen closely to Joy's advice.
Joy also communicates with host Julie's dog Buddy - so what's his take on things?
The Knockknobbler

Do you know what a Knockknobbler is? Well listen to our interview with author Bernard Cartwright and find out.
Bernard took on the role of Dog Warden for the City of Worcester, and his experiences in the job inspired him to write his book, The Knockknobbler.
Just what is life like as a dog warden? Well, it has its highs and lows, and Bernard's book gives a great insight into the demanding but rewarding job. Some days Bernard was confronted with sweet lost puppies, other days it was more demanding beasts, but he faced it all with compassion and humour. His own dog Schtroumpf helped support him through it all too.
Bernard's book is available from Parapress.
To celebrate the fact that there is a new Jettydogs World Champion, Trover Coats has brought out a single called Walkies. DogCast Radio listeners can hear a preview of the single in this episode, and to download the catchy single go to the Trover website.
The new champion is a Greyhound who was rejected because he couldn't run fast enough - but he obviously can jump!
We also bring you the latest news on Jill's poor imprisoned Poodles, and for more information on the girls read Beverley Cuddy's Cold Wet Nose Blog.
Beverley is the publisher and editor of Dogs Today and is passionate about dog welfare. Her blog covers a variety of subjects, and dog lovers will find it well worth checking out.
Host Julie brings you her thoughts on small dogs. Do the best things come in small packages or is big always best? Listen and find out.