Length: 0:40:52
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Jazmyn, junior dog handler

Jazmyn Wray went to her first dog show as a tiny baby, and dogs have featured in her life ever since then. She adores the Flat Coated Retrievers that she has grown up with, but has experience of many other breeds. Flatcoats remain her favourite, and she is now the third generation to enjoy promoting the Bushman name.
At the age of 7 years old, Jazmyn became a Junior Handler, and since then has had great success. She has qualified for the Pal Junior Handler final every year since, and won the State Final in 2005.
In this interview, Jazmyn tells us what Junior Handling involves, and why she enjoys it so much. Hearing such an enthusiastic and knowledgeable youngster makes great listening. To find out more about Jazmyn's progress check out Jazmyn's page on the Bushman site .
Alfie's Lost Terriers

If your dog went missing how long would you keep looking for him? Justine Marlowe's beloved Yorkshire Terrier, Alfie, was stolen over three years ago, and she is still determined to find him.
Her other dogs have given her the will to carry on, but Justine has found it very difficult coping with the loss of Alfie. Helping others in the same position has also helped Justine, and Alfie's Lost Terriers was created.
In their first year the website has helped reunited many owners with their lost or stolen dogs, and Justine and her team are devoted to their chosen task. Justine and Alfie's story is a moving one, but Justine continues to search and hope.
Two Minute Fiction
In our Two Minute Fiction feature, we have a story about an owner who needs to learn more about her breed. The owner has formed an opinion about her dog, but is it accurate? Why does a dog behave the way he does, and how should a responsible owner respond?
Strategy is written by Julie Hill and read by Kate Coldham.
In the DogCast Radio News, hear how you can tell your dog's story if he is always waiting for you to be ready to spend time with him. Check out www.waitingdog.org
You can also hear some wild dog news, and about some dogs with unusual jobs involving insects and birds.
Dogs as parasites?
How do you regard your dog? Whatever you think of him or her, you almost certainly don't consider him a parasite. Yet this is Stephen Budiansly's opinion.
You can read an extract from his book The Truth About Dogs but beware this is strong stuff. Hear host Julie ruminate on Budiansly's assertions, and defend the dog from his accusations.