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Episode 31 - Jack Russell Terriers and Faith the two legged dog


Released Mon December 11, 2006
Length: 0:42:28
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Faith the two legged dog

What would you do if your son brought home a severely disabled puppy? Would you give her the chance to a happy life? Would you spend time and energy helping her face life and cope with her problems? Well Jude Stringfellow and her family rose to the challenge magnificently when they were confronted with a two legged puppy.

They called the dog Faith, and Faith and her loving family have achieved great things, and in this episode you can hear Jude talk about their journey together.

Faith has learned to walk upright, and has a great quality of life, including interacting with other dogs. Jude is now very busy, not only looking after her family and her dog, but since the rest of the world now wants to hear about Faith's story, she also makes public appearances with Faith and has written two books.

Faiths website is at

Jack Russell Terrier

The Jack Russell Terrier is a very popular dog for many reasons. You've probably met at least one, but do you really know what the breed is like? How affectionate are they? Do they need a lot of exercise? Could they be the ideal dog for your family?

Gaye Redpath from Conquest Terriers talks about the breed she loves so much, and discusses the vital information you need to know about these attractive, versatile dogs.

Gaye and host Julie also discuss other issues - such as what childhood experiences lead adults to allow or deny their children the company of a dog, and as a dog lover, is it really possible to get along with those odd people who don't like dogs? This and much more in an entertaining, informative interview.

Buddy's Diary

In Buddy's Diary, Buddy tells us about his latest experiences, which have been very perplexing to him, as his family have moved to a new den. Worryingly for Buddy, he can smell other people and dogs in his new home - what will happen should they return?Also, there are some strange new neighbors to adjust to. However, his new house does have one big advantage over his old one, but does it make up for all the upheaval?

Other items

Julie considers the pros and cons of a dog's life, and Jenny has the latest DogCast Radio joke, so take a listen.


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