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Para athlete heading for two world championships in 2024

• Susannah Chalmers participating in 2 world championships
• Susannah competes with her Papillon Arran
• Historic first GB senior agility team

When Susannah Chalmers took up agility with her Pug, Marsha, she never in her wildest dreams thought it would lead to competing on a world class level. Though Marsha is now enjoying retirement, Susannah shows no signs of slowing down. In fact, in 2024, Susannah is heading to not just one, but two dog agility world championships.
July 18th-21st will see Susannah taking on the role of assistant manager of the GB Senior Agility World Championship Team. Susannah relishes the chance to celebrate the wealth of talented older agility handlers in the UK.

“For years, Great Britain has sent agility teams to the World Championships; a Junior team, and an adult team,” Susannah explains. “We decided that it would be a great idea if we sent a senior team, because we've got lots of very good, senior handlers in the country, that probably haven't got the speed that the younger handlers have got, but all the skill set.”

This is a historic occasion, with the team being the first to represent Great Britain in a senior team at the competition. The team will be competing against over thirty five other countries.

The team is split into fifty-five to sixty-five year olds, and over sixty-fives, with the dogs categorised as small, medium, intermediate, and large. There will be a team event and an individual event.

“We're hoping to come back with a few medals,” Susannah enthuses, “or at least show the rest of the world that once you’re fifty-five, it doesn't mean you need to sit down and put some slippers on. You can still compete at the top!”

Agility is a demanding sport, providing a mental and physical workout for both handlers and dogs. Susannah recommends finding your local club and giving it a go.

While competing internationally at such a prestigious dog agility event is an honour, it is also a challenge for Susannah, who suffers from arthritis which can limit her mobility. However, it’s a challenge Susannah has risen to with enthusiasm, competing with her feisty Papillon, Arran, in the Paragility World Championships in Portugal in September 4th-8th.

Last year at the event, Susannah and Arran won two bronze medals and were reserve World Champions. This year, Susannah is bringing the same determination and passion to the competition.

Susannah is an inspiration, but what inspires her? She says, “You do it because of your relationship with your dog - and to be representing your country on the world stage, what can be better than that?”

Hear Sue's interview in Episode 277


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