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Episode 278 - Dog intelligence and introducing cats and dogs


Released Sat August 17, 2024
Length: 1:03:35
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Dog Intelligence

In this podcast, author Jennifer S. Holland talks about dog intelligence - what types of intelligence do dogs have, how do we measure canine intelligence, what's the difference between intelligence and instinct, and how can we encourage our dogs to become more intelligent?

Jennifer has written a book about canine cleverness - Dog Smart: Life-Changing Lessons in Canine Intelligence, a cutting-edge science narrative, chock-full of heartwarming case studies, your quest to learn the true meaning of dog intelligence.

Jennifer is a science writer and author: she has flown in zero gravity over the Gulf of Mexico, dived with tiger sharks in the Bahamas and ducked below a reef-shark feeding frenzy on the Great Barrier Reef, shimmied up the tallest tree in Costa Rica, gone cobra hunting with a bare-handed Vietnamese farmer, camped on an active volcano in Hawaii, crawled into a bear’s den in northern Minnesota, and sat fireside with bushmen in Papua New Guinea learning to carve spears.

And now she's on DogCast Radio!

Find out more about Jennifer at her website.

Introducing Cats and Dogs

Many of us love cats as well as dogs, and many of us live with both species - but how can we be sure our canines and felines enjoy cohabiting too? Behaviourist Lisa Sinnott has the answers, and in this podcast she offers excellent advice on how you can introduce dogs and cats in as stress free a way as possible.

Lisa has practical tips on how you can help your dog and cat, and how you can adapt your home to make things easier for both of them.

Find out more at Lisa's dog website and her cat website.


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