Length: 1:10:16
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![Crash tested car harness](/upload/PN026734.jpg)
Crash Tested Car Harness
We all know we have to wear a seat belt in our car to stay safe, and you probably know that your dog needs to be restrained in the car. But did you know that unless their car harness is crash tested, it may let you down in the event of an accident? Each component of the harness needs to be able to take the stresses of all the forces involved in the event of a collision or evasive maneuver.
When Gordon Templeton realised that his Labrador was at risk when she traveled in the car, he put his engineering expertise to good use and designed the Defender car harness - which is crash tested to ensure a dog's safety. Now, with fellow dog lover and business partner Andrew Churley, Gordon is on a mission to ensure all dog's are adequately protected in the car.
You can keep up with Gordon, Andrew and Optimus Gear via their website and Instagram and Facebook and Twitter.
Dog inspired author
When writer Sue Kittow experienced the power of a dog to help us through difficult times in our lives, she was inspired to write about dogs. In her novel, The Rescue, Sue writes about Terrier Moll, who helps her human cope with grief. Sue's second novel, Lainy's Tale, deals with PTSD.
Sue talks about how dogs help and support us, as well as her writing process. Sue has also written several books about enjoying walks around Cornwall, following in the footsteps of various writers.
You can keep up with Sue at her website as well as her Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.