Length: 0:33:59
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Dog sleep problems

If your dog is having trouble sleeping, the likelihood is that you won't be able to sleep well either. Although sharing is nice, and a problem shared is a problem halved, finding a solution is better.

Toni Shelbourne has the advice you need to get your dog (and you!) sleeping soundly. There are so many factors to consider - the age of the dog, diet, meal timing, temperature, bedtime routine and more. Toni is an Accredited Animal Behaviourist, a Tellington TTouch Instructor, a Real Dog Yoga Instructor, and an Author. Toni has thoroughly investigated the subject, and you can find all her advice in her book Help, My Dog Won't Sleep.
You can find out more about Toni at her website and about this book Help My Dog Won't Sleep and her many others. You can also find her on Facebook and
Twitter and You Tube.
DogCast Radio News
We've just celebrated love with Valentine's Day - but according to research from the Kennel Club, the one we love most is our dog! Hear all the details, plus how to share Shrove Tuesday pancakes safely with you dog, the new oldest dog in the world ever, research which indicates table scraps may usefully supplement our dogs' diets, and why dogs howl.