Length: 0:46:07
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Fran Barnbrook
When Julie saw a comment by Fran Barnbrook in a Facebook group, saying she woudn't let her puppies go to a home where the owners work, Julie wanted to find out more. When she interviewed Fran, she encountered a fun woman who adores her dogs, and has an interesting life with famous friends and gorgeous dogs.
Being a breeder, owner and exhibitor of Irish Wolf Hounds, Fran feels her dogs need and deserve a home where their owner has plenty of time to devote to them. You can keep up to date with Fran at her Facebook page.
- Fran Banbrook
Juie Botterill
Julie Botterill replied to Fran's post, saying she works and her dogs have a wonderful life. In this interview, Julie explains how she ensures her dogs have a good standard of life, and how she herself has dealt with finding the right homes for a litter of puppies.
So maybe there is no absolute one size fits all - it depends on the breed you choose, the individual of that breed you live with, and the effort you put in to making sure you and your dog share quality time when you're not at work.
- Julie Botterill