Length: 0:18:53
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Charlie the drowning dog saved by a brave teenager

When Charlie the Shih Tzu got into trouble in the water, brave teenager Connor waded out into the water to rescue him. But Connor couldn't swim. Charlie's distraught owner watched on in horror, her disabilities preventing her form entering the water herself. As Connor got hold of Charlie and fought to get back to land, dog and teenager bobbed up and down in the water.

Amazingly, Connor was on holiday from Scotland, having only arrived that day, and gone to the park as a last minute decision. His bravery saved Charlie, who had become stuck in weeds. But it put his own life in danger, as not only is wading into a lake dangerous, but it carried extra risk to non-swimmers.

This story highlights how lovely people can be, and shines a light on a very brave - very modest - teenager who saved the life of a much loved dog. We are in absolute awe of Connor and wish him all the best.
As well as being adored in his own right, Charlie is extra special to Jane, because his first owner was Jane's best friend, Michele. When Michele died, Jane welcomed Charlie into her family, and cherishes the link he provides to her friend.
Wow - someone make a movie of this, please! And someone give Connor an award for his bravery. And someone give Jane a nice cup - or glass! - of something and a sit down!
Dogs are definitely wonderful, but some people are wonderful too!