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Episode 213 - Dog obesity and carbohydrates and Disc Dog and accessibility


Released Sat November 2, 2019
Length: 1:22:02
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Carbs and canine obesity

Daniel Schulof investigated the science of dog food, and what he discovered horrified him. Not only did he change the way he fed his own dogs, he wrote a book to share what he had found out with others - Dogs, Dog Food and Dogma. Is there a canine carbohydrate cover up? Listen and make your own mind up.

Research - and Daniel's own experience - indicate that dogs achieve their ideal weight best on a low carb diet. To help owners feed their dogs conveniently and inexpensively, Daniel founded his own dog food company Keto Natural Pet Foods.

In the United States right now, if you pick a dog on the street at random, it's more likely than not that the dog is overweight or obese.
 - Daniel Schulof

Disc Dog and Accessibility

Heather Smith has competed, judged and trained in a number of doggy disciplines around the world. She has amassed experience of and wisdom about dogs, which she uses to make the lives of her own dogs and others' as happy and positive as possible.

In this interview Heather talks about the sport of Disc Dog, and the issue of accessibility. She believes that Disc Dog is accessible for almost all owners and dogs. You can find out more about the sport at the UK Disc Dog Facebook page. To find out more about Heather visit her Train Your Dog With Heather Smith website.

Free disc, which is also known as Freestyle in America and in Europe, is the one I love very much because it's like dancing with discs - so it's really disco!
 - Heather Smith

DogCast Radio News

Julie and Jenny bring you the DogCast Radio News, with stories of how dog owners put their dogs ahead of romance, the woman who lives with nine Newfoundlands, and the homeless man who got his dog back thanks to the Internet.

Plus there's the top ten dog names for 2010, how dogs reduce our mortality, and how one Dachshund overcame his agoraphobia.


279 - mushrooms for dogs and using parenting principles with pets

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