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Can you smell Doodle?

“Can you smell doodle?” That’s what I found myself asking a dog today.

I glanced up from where I was, leaning over the dog, stroking her, and saw her owner staring down at me in puzzlement.

Then I realised how that question sounded, and had to smile. So I’ll tell you what I told the dog owner today, because you see we went to Doodlefest yesterday, and I was lucky enough to meet, and be lavishly greeted by, many many Doodles. When the dog today sniffed me enthusiastically, I knew she was “reading” the scent of all those Doodles yesterday. Hence the question, “Can you smell doodle?”

Doodlefest was a celebration of all things doodle. From the moment we arrived, we were surrounded by doodles, and though they differed in size, coat type, coat colour, and age they all shared one characteristic - they bounced! And boy how!

They are friendly, charming, affectionate, but bouncier than Tigger in Winnie the Pooh. So all in all Doodlefest was glorious, as long as you a dog person, and to be honest, we all were - because why would a non-doggy person go to Doodlefest? I was there because Barb Turnbull, the founder of the Doodle Trust, asked me to judge the novelty classes in the fun show. It was my first time judging a show, and since I am something of a novelty (!) I thought the novelty classes were appropriate.

It turned out to be a fun experience, and I met some lovely people and dogs. I hope they enjoyed it as much as I did. What particularly delighted me was the number of youngsters who were there with their doodle, entering the child handlers’ class, the best trick class and the fancy dress class. They made judging very difficult, as it was hard to pick out a winner among so much talent, and I also hated the aspect of not picking anyone.

By coincidence, our next show will feature the subject of Doodles, as I had already recorded an interview with Carolyn Menteith about the mix. I also interviewed Barb Turnbull at Doodlefest, and both of them, while saying that Doodles can be a wonderful dog, are concerned about some of the unscrupulous breeding going on.

One of the visually appealing things about some Doodles, particularly the smaller ones, is that they resemble cuddly little teddy bears. However, the sharp little mind inside that cute exterior is active, and needs occupying.

If you’re interested in Doodles, visit the Doodle Trust website - And do make sure you listen to our next show, because taking on a dog is a huge commitment, and you need to arm yourself with the knowledge of how to bring the right dog into your family. I met many gorgeous dogs yesterday who had ended up in the care of the Doodle Trust, and been found loving new homes, and who with the right guidance had made fabulous pets. So learn about Doodles, and whether they’re the right fit for you – and whether you’re the right fit for them.

And hear more about my experience judging that show.

Take care,

Julie xx


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