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Retirement home residents seek a home to call their own

Dogs Trust Shrewsbury Rehoming Appeal

Staff at Dogs Trust Shrewsbury have their fingers crossed that an adorable elderly doggy duo, one of whom is blind in one eye and requires the company and confidence of his caring best friend, will soon find their forever home together.

Eleven-year-old English Springer Spaniels, Monty and Beth are currently popular residents at the UK’s only elderly dogs home, Oakfield at Dogs Trust Shrewsbury, where they enjoy the finer things in life including access to endless soft blankets, towers of cuddly pillows and all the other wonderful home comforts that come as standard with a quaint three-bed former farm house surrounded by fields and no nosy neighbours.

Dogs Trust Shrewsbury Supporter Relations Officer, Lee Pogson said: “Monty and Beth are two wonderful dogs who love each other dearly and desperately want to find a home that can take them on together. Monty is blind in his left eye so relies on Beth to reassure him and bring out his confidence in new surroundings as he can be a little shy.”

Lee believes Beth’s confidence brings out the best in Monty: “Beth is a beautiful and bouncy character who always takes Monty under her wing. She most definitely doesn’t reflect her 11 years and is happiest playing fetch with her canine carers and snuggling up with best friend Monty.”

Beth and Monty are currently residents of Oakfield, a home for the older generation of Dogs Trust Dogs. Oakfield boasts three bedrooms, a kitchen, one bathroom and a large garden. The cosy home is jam-packed with every creature comfort you could imagine including dog beds, sofas, arm chairs and duvets galore.

Oakfield gives older dogs the chance to live away from the hustle and bustle of the busy Rehoming Centre in a home like environment with all usual suspects you’d find in a normal house including a functioning kitchen, TV and radio.

Whilst Monty and Beth have enjoyed their two-month stay at Oakfield they are now hoping for a retirement home of their own with a loving family who will give them the affection and love they deserve in their later years.

Monty and Beth are a delightful pair of dogs that would make a wonderful addition to a family home. They are both house trained and well behaved, they can live with children aged ten and over as long as they will give Monty and Beth space and time when they need it.

Can you offer a happy retirement home for Monty and Beth?

If you are interested in Monty and Beth please give our rehoming centre a call on 0300 303 0292.

Dogs Trust Shrewsbury is open 12:00 - 16:00 Friday to Tuesday, 12:00 - 19:30 on Thursday. We are closed on Wednesday.

Dogs Trust Shrewsbury, Roden Lane Farm, Telford, Shropshire, TF6 6BP


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