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Star's weekend

I meant to post these pictures of Star's weekend last week, but other subjects came up (like poor Lennox) that were more pressing so Star got bumped to this week, but I'm sure she understands. Last weekend the forecast was for the last weather resembling anything like summery so we decided to make the most of. On Saturday we headed for the beach. Both our dogs love the beach, but for different reasons. Buddy loves to chase a ball across the sand and then cool off with a paddle. Star loves to dig for all she's worth and then sit and contemplate life. I managed to capture her doing just that in the first picture here, and it's one of my favourite shots of her. She can be a little monkey, but she does have a serious side.


The next day we went exploring the Stipperstones, a nearby beauty spot. It's great fun to climb right up the pile of stones at the top of the hill, but it's precarious, and it's no place to have a dog bounding around, so this time I waited with Buddy and Star while Anthony and Jenny climbed up. Star initially settled down to wait, but she just couldn't settle for long. She's not a very patient soul and she does like it when her pack is all together. She whined and moved a little close to the huge pile of stones to wait for Jenny to return.

Before long she could contain herself no more and she set off, clambering over the stones, whining as she went. Again, I love this photo of her. The sun is bursting around the stones, and she is heading straight towards it. She is so small and delicate by contrast with the enduring implacable stones, and yet her indomitable spirit comes across to me. Maybe it's a case of the immovable object meeting the irresistible force, but she wanted to find Jenny and that was her goal. I couldn't let her climb too high for fear of her falling and injuring that not-so-long-ago operated on leg, and she left me in no doubt as to her displeasure at being restrained.

Finally her waiting was rewarded by the return of her "mom" as Jenny emerged from the blinding rays of the sun. Star was delighted, and the reunion was touching. Of course you've heard the saying, "Why have a dog and bark yourself?" and Star seems to have a version of that at times which I think must go something like, "Why have an owner and walk when you're worn out?" Anyway she leapt into Jenny's arms and was carried the rest of the way down the rocks.

I suppose I should just be grateful that Buddy never wants to be carried - I don't think I could manage that with a Labrador, however good shape he's in!

Take care,

Julie xx


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