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Battle the bulge and bamboozle the brain too

Your dog can lose weight and have fun:

The Company of Animals’ Wins Award for Battling the Bulge in Dogs

Underlining The Company of Animals commitment to help battle the bulge in UK’s dogs its multi-award winning Tornado interactive dog ‘brain-teaser’ recently scooped another award as one of the “Top Pet Fitness and Weight Loss Products of 2009” by the Association for Pet Obesity in the USA. 

The Company of Animals has already included the Tornado’s sister product the Dog Pyramid into its new Obesity Packs being offered to Vet Practices nationwide as a way of encouraging owners to get their dogs fit simply by planning some fun activities into their dog’s daily routine. Not only providing some great fitness tips for both clients and their dogs, Vets can increase their in-practice turnover by up to £6,000/yr*, simply by helping their patients get fit.

Helping owners maintain their dog’s optimum weight is essential as recent figures reveal that one in three pets are classed as obese in the UK and shockingly 64% of dogs in the UK are not walked daily, with only 25% walked twice daily. Obesity in pets like in humans causes a myriad of health conditions including diabetes, cardio and liver problems. 

The Company of Animals have been working on ways to help vets educate their clients and, in turn, get dogs exercising! By incorporating most of your dog’s daily food allowance or using freshly chopped vegetables into two fun ‘interactive’ play sessions with your dog a day you will enhance your relationship with your dog, whilst letting him happily burn off calories as he’s eating!

The clever range of ‘brain-teaser’ interactive games are considered as the chess or scrabble of the dog world. These dog toys consist of different puzzle games that each has its own method of concealing treats. A dog has to use his natural problem-solving abilities to work out how to get his reward, whilst providing a workout for his brain, improving physical coordination and burning calories in the process.

* Figure calculated on the average product unit selling price at £6.62, selling 3 x units a day, 6 x days a week and building in an average 41% profit margin per line!

About The Company of Animals

Founded by Dr Roger Mugford, The Company of Animals is the UK’s leading specialist in dog behaviour and training products, all designed to achieve a positive outcome pets.  COA design and manufacture a wide range of acclaimed products, including the Halti & Halti-Harness, Pet Corrector, Coachies, CLIX training range and much more.


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