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Latest news from SOFA

Here's the latest news from SOFA (speaking Out For Animals) that intrepid and charming group of youngsters and their indefatigable teacher who are campaigning to have microchipping of dogs made a legal requirement. Seems like they are well on the way - and the best of luck to them!

If you're a UK resident please follow the link below to help support the campaign:

Dear Supporters,
Thank you for your support of SOFA's microchipping campaign; we do really appreciate it.
Following our last meeting at the House of Commons we are very pleased to announce that an Early Day Motion has been tabled by MP Martin Horwood ( Cheltenham ).  
We would be most grateful if you could please ask your MP to support the campaign by signing EDM 1487 as soon as possible.  If we get enough MP support it will give us great progress to our aim of making microchipping mandatory.
To contact your MP, please follow this link:
Many thanks, in advance..
Best wishes,
(teacher/leader of SOFA)

Early Day Motion
EDM 1487
Horwood, Martin
That this House is concerned that over 97,000 dogs are picked up as strays by local authorities annually; congratulates Speaking Out for Animals the animal action club at Thorpe House School, Norwich for campaigning hard to promote the mandatory microchipping of dogs as a means of reducing the huge numbers of strays and for its work to promote responsible pet ownership; commends the Dogs Trust, RSPCA and other animal charities for microchipping all dogs at point of adoption; and believes that microchipping should be compulsory for all dogs at the point of sale and urges the Government to introduce legislation on the mandatory microchipping of dogs.
Signatures ( 4) 

Horwood, Martin

Gibson, Ian

Hoyle, Lindsay

Bottomley, Peter


282 - dog life hacks and stay positive for your dog's sake

In this podcast we hear from behaviourist Bethany Bell on why aversive, harsh methods appear to work, while wreaking havoc on your dog and your relationship with them. Behaviourist Jennifer Billot has the dog life hacks that will save you time, make your training more effective, and make life more fun for your dog. DogCast Radio is the podcast your dog wants you to listen to!

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188 - Service Dogs UK and Roxie the Doxie Finds Her Forever Home

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187 - Muffins Halo and Chorley Fun Dog Show

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186 - Maxwell Muir on wolves

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