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Another dog walk, another poop sign

Another dog poo sign

I saw this one the other day. Once you start noticing them, you see them everywhere! It can liven up dog walking, playing I-spy poo signs, try it.

Anyway, not sure if this one is saying you have to bring a mammoth with you to spear the poo with his tusks. Or maybe that you have to clear up after big dogs? Or maybe just big poos? Suggestions on a postcard – or should that be e-card?

Needless to say we scooped anything our dogs produced. It was an interesting walk as we met so many other dogs. Star encountered a dog that actually made her show submissive behaviour, a very rare occurrence. Star isn’t at all dominant; she’s just very playful, and bounces around at top speed giving more play bows than you can count.

On this occasion a seven month old French Bulldog cross Staffordshire Bull Terrier cam barrelling over, and within seconds Star was on her side showing her tummy. It takes more than a boisterous pup to get the full on the back submission from our Star. They ended up having a good play. In fact all the dogs we met that day were friendly.

There was a gorgeous thirteen year old Golden Retriever who was apparently deaf, and consequently kept wandering off her own way, which seemed to suit her fine. There was also a black Kerry Blue Terrier, whose colouring threw me off, and I was thinking he was a Schnauzer.

Well, New Year approaches fast, and I have preparations to prepare and resolutions to resolve, so until next year,

Take care,

Julie x


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