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Episode 124 - Sadie and the rattlesnake part 2 and Sealyhams


Released Sun November 20, 2011
Length: 0:57:05
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Sadie and the rattlesnake part 2

My employer let me work from the vet's, so I actually sat in the cage next to Sadie and worked with my laptop.
 - Lindsy Morris

In this show you can hear the concluding part of an interview with Lindsay Morris in which she tells the incredible story of her dog Sadie who had a very unfortunate - and unusual - encounter with a rattlesnake.

While on a camping weekend miles from anywhere, Sadie got bitten by two rattlesnakes, and Lindsay and her husband Matt faced a difficult and agonisingly slow hike to get her to help. When they finally got her to a vet her treatment could begin - but there was no guarantee that a dog who had been through what poor Sadie had been through would even survive.

Lindsay and Matt never gave up on the dog they love, and are now keen to raise awareness of the need to take care.

You can find out more about Sadie at her blog and at her Facebook page.

Sealyham Terrier

Richard Burton knocked on Mrs Cunningham's door one night and said, 'Have you got a Sealyham for sale? It's for Elizabeth.' And that's how Elizabeth got her dog called Taffy.
 - Harry Parson

The Sealyham Terrier was once incredibly popular - Elizabeth Taylor, Princess Margaret and Humphrey Bogart along with anyone who was anyone had a Sealyham in the 1930s and 40s. Sadly today in the UK the breed is on the vulnerable register as numbers have fallen so low that the breed is in serious danger of dying out.

One man who is determined to preserve the breed is Harry Parsons. In this interview he talks about what the breed he loves is like to live with, and gives some fascinating insights into the Sealyham's history.

To find out more about this delightful breed and about Harry visit his My Sealyhams website.


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Cecil Aldin

Cecil Aldin was an artist who became famous in the early 1900s for his charming portrayal of dogs. Pre-World War I most British homes had at least one of his prints hanging on the wall, and the Times said of him, "there never yet has been a painter of dogs fit to hold a candle to him."

In this show host Julie reviews two of his books, The Rascal and Puppy Dogs' Tales.


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