Length: 0:45:36
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Bichon Frise

What is the Bichon Frise like? The Bichon is a small white dog, with a big fluffy coat, that can take a lot of grooming.
However, it is the personality of this diminutive dog from the toy group, that is its charm. The Bichon is friendly and outgoing, and loves nothing more than being with his people.
According to Sharri Harfman from Blackwater Bichons, this breed make great family pets, and are excellent with children.
Listen to out breed profile, and you can find out how this beautiful little dog has a character to match his looks.
World's tallest dog

We all think our dogs are special - and they are! We came across a dog who is genuinely unique, and he has an entry in the Guinness Book of World Records to prove it.
Sandy Hall bred and shares her house with Gibson, the record-breaking Great Dane who is the tallest dog in the world.
Sandy and Gibson's story is not just about world records though, it is a celebration of the bond between humans and dogs, and how the strength of that bond can help us through the rough times we sometimes endure.
Gibson holds the world record, but for how long? Hear Sandy's opinion on the young dog that may one day break Gibson's record.
Eight below

Have you seen the Disney film "Eight Below"?
In Puppy Playtime, Jenny brings you her review of this moving and exciting tale about sled dogs fighting for survival.
Two Minute Fiction
In Two Minute Fiction hear the story of a dog with a dilemma. He has a loving owner, a comfortable home, good food, toys and exercise, but he also has an extensive wardrobe of clothes, which he detests.
Can this spirited little dog find a solution to his problem?
In the DogCast Radio news you can hear some amazing stories of owners reunited with their dogs after years of separation.
Owners who despaired of ever seeing their dogs again, now happily have them back where they belong - in one case after an absence of nearly five years.
Also find out how you can help support vital legislation to provide emergency evacuation provision for pets.
Website review
Host Julie features inspiring and touching stories from a website supporting dog rescue in Arkansas, and throughout North America.
If you like stories and articles about dogs check this one out, but don't forget the dog adoption centre.
Other items
All this plus our run down of our top five dog cartoon characters.
So find a sofa, a chair, a dog bed, or even circle three times and curl up on the floor, but whatever you do don't miss this episode of DogCast Radio!