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Episode 2 - Rottweilers and kickboxing dogs

Released Sat September 24, 2005
Length: 0:55:16
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In episode 2 of DogCast Radio our featured breed is the Rottweiler.

Our breed focus this week is the Rottweiler. Kimberley MacDonald of Samala Rottweilers gives us her expert opinion, and tells us about her experiences with this loyal, affectionate breed. We meet a Rottweiler bred by Kimberley with an unexpected job - Donna tells us about her dog, Luger, and how he has become one of only two Rottweiler Pets As Therapy dogs in Cornwall, England, while still under the age of two years old.

Training tips

Joe Timko gives us another Top Training Tip from his beautiful Californian ranch. This month Joe advises how to stop your dog jumping up at people as they come into your house, and how to stop them pushing through doors in front of you.

Kickboxing dogs?

Russ and Ringo
We hear about a Black Russian Terrier with an interest in martial arts. Black Russian Terriers are a relatively new breed to the UK.

Australian Shepherds

Are you aware of Australian Shepherds? They're an intriguing breed, and we hear from Jeni, an Australian breeder who also shows, trains and judges them. An amazing number of breeds share a home with her too, and her whole family is involved in the dog world. Find her website at

Lost dogs

Jane from has information about the dramatic increase in dog theft, and has advice about how to prevent this happening to your pet, and what steps to take in the event your dog is stolen. For lost Labradors try checking out the site Lost Labs specifically for the breed that works alongside Jane.

Other items

Jenny hosts Puppy Playtime for younger listeners. Jenny tells us how you can teach your dog to shake hands, and if your dog can already do this, find out how you can develop it into other tricks.

Husband and wife team Kate and Nick bring us the DogCast news from around the world, while Buddy the black Labrador, lets us sneak a peek into his diary. This month Buddy is confused about food - how can he get more of it, and why do we humans do such unaccountable things with it?

Add to this issues to set you talking, and a new feature, two minute fiction. Here Max's tale in the story Abandonment.

Plus learn what your dog would probably never say!


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Mischief and Diamond

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