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Episode 93 - The Healing Art of Pet Parenthood and pet sitting

Released Sat August 8, 2009
Length: 0:52:05
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The Healing Art of Pet Parenthood

Basically those are the three steps of the holistic approach that I used, which were to clear her environment of all toxins, to cleanse her body of all residual toxins, and thirdly to strengthen her body nutritionally.
 - Nadine M. Rosin

Nadine M. Rosin is the author of The Healing Art of Pet Parenthood.

Her dog Buttons chose her as a tiny puppy, and Nadine was devastated when at the age of eight years old, the vet gave her six weeks to live. Buttons was Nadine's canine child, and Nadine refused to believe that her life was almost at an end. She took a proactive approach to changing her pet's life; improving her diet and removing any possible sources of contamination. The proof of her approach is that Buttons lived to be nineteen years old.

Here Nadine shares with you many of her secrets of helping your dog live a long, healthy, happy life, through her holistic philosophy.

Of course, however long our dogs live, it's never enough, and Nadine also has a lot of advice about coping with the loss of a beloved dog. Some people in life touch your heart with their integrity and Nadine M. Rosin is one of those people. She knows the utter misery of pet loss, and offers counselling - if necessary on a donation basis.

If you would like to find out more about her, or seek her support, visit her website and her blog, or contact her on Twitter.

Nina's Nannies For Pets

We go to great lengths not to advertise our service on any of the vehicles our sitters travel in. If you do that obviously on the visiting side, you’re advertising that clients are away and the property is unoccupied.
 - Nina Cole

It's always an important part of going on holiday to ensure your pets will be happy and well looked after while you are away. One option is hiring a pet sitter.

Listen to this interview with Nina Cole, who owns and runs pet sitting business Nina's Nannies For Pets. Nina talks about what life is really like for a pet sitter, and reveals why a sense of humour is so necessary. For pet owners planning to use a sitter, she has advice on how to get the most from the service - and crucially how to spot a good, reliable sitter.

Nina's business grew from one woman to a thriving business, and she talks about her experiences with great humour. Importantly, Nina herself is a pet owner, so she knows just how precious our companion animals are to us, and what great care they deserve.

For more information visit the Nina's Nannies For Pets website, or contact Nina on Twitter.


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In our interview how many paintings does Elizabeth say Ziggy had completed so far?

Email your answer to The winner will be chosen and random and announced in our September show. Good luck!


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